Note: this message is for staff of State Departments of Transportation and
Planning Organizations. Other recipients may disregard and delete this
Just over a week ago, this office sent email messages to the people on our
list representing each State Department of Transportation and each
metropolitan planning
organization. We had spoken on the phone with most of the State DOTs
before sending the
email, but did not attempt to contact the approximately 340 MPOs. The
purpose of the
message was to gather information we need to produce Part 1 of CTPP 2000,
the place of
residence tables.
From the State DOTs, we need to find out which detailed
level of geography
they want us
to tabulate in Part 1 for each county in their state. From the MPOs, we
need to find out
which counties (minor civil divisions in the six New England states) they
want us to
tabulate in Part 1 as part of their MPO region. We then also need to have
the MPOs tell
us which detailed level of geography they want us to tabulate in each of
the counties
making up their area.
We would like to point out that we will tabulate at least one level of
detailed geography
for every county. Therefore an MPO will have access to detailed data even
for counties that are not contained in their MPO region. This is a change
from the 1990 CTPP, when only counties that were part of an MPO had data
tabulated at the tract or TAZ level. We are creating data for the MPO
region as a convenience, so you won't have to sum up the individual
counties yourself. However, the CTPP Access Tool software will allow you
to browse or manipulate data for whatever collection of geography you want.
So if you want to add to or subtract from the counties in your MPO region
you will be able to do so with the
software, and the data for all the counties will be available for your use.
Note that this information is for CTPP 2000 Part 1 tables, i.e., data by
place of residence. We are not asking about tabulating origin-destination
flows in Part 3 of CTPP 2000. We will cross that bridge later.
So, if you are in a State DOT and involved with CTPP 2000, you should have
received a
message about this topic from this office. If not, please call us at
301-763-2454 and
ask to talk to Fabian Sanchez, Clara Reschovsky, or Phil Salopek.
If you are in an MPO and involved with CTPP 2000 you may also have received
a message on
this topic from our office. However, some State DOTs are coordinating this
activity, so
not every MPO was sent an email. We ask any MPOs that have not heard
anything about this
issue to first contact their State DOT, to see if the State DOT is taking
care of it. If
the State is not handling it and the MPO has not been contacted by us, it
may be because
our contact list is out of date. In this case we ask the MPO to call
301-763-2454 and
talk with Fabian Sanchez, Clara Reschovsky, or Phil Salopek. Thank You.
Phil Salopek
Chief, Journey-to-Work and Migration Statistics Branch
Population Division
U.S. Census Bureau