I am out of office and will be back on Monday, February 25, 2008.
If you need demographic information, please call (303) 866-4147
(Becky Picaso).
For questions related to the review of the 7/1/2007 Housing Unit
and GQ Population Estimates, please contact Elizabeth Garner, State
Demographer, at (303) 866-3096 or email address at
Thank you.
>> ctpp-news 01/31/08 10:06 >>>
The purpose of this posting is to alert interested parties to the
current status of the expected timeline related to the creation of
Traffic Analysis Zones (TAZs) for CTPP products. Based on the Census
Bureau's (CB) timelines we should be working on TAZ definition for CTPP
by February 2009. Therefore, work plans should include sufficient staff
time for this task. Below are some things to consider.
Census timeline and PSAP
To prepare for the 2010 census and other CB data products there is an
opportunity to update the geography and zones. Very soon the CB will be
posting the final criteria on defining tracts and block groups etc.
This will come out in the Federal Register. Coinciding with this the CB
is fine tuning its list of primary PSAP contacts. PSAP is the program
under which regions can define the tracts, block groups and other
geography for their areas. For more on PSAP and what it is, see
How do TAZs tie in?
According to the PSAP schedule, regions will be defining their tracts,
block groups, etc. during the summer and fall of this year (2008).
Dovetailing on the tract process the states and MPOs will be asked to
work on their TAZ submittal. This will occur around this time next year
which means it is not too early to begin planning your resources and
thinking about TAZs.
TAZ development process
The details of the process are in various stages of discussion. Two
more central issues to the process include, what software will be used
for defining TAZs and how many different TAZs layers will there be? For
the software, we are awaiting the installation of the AASHTO CTPP Policy
Board and finalizing some on-going discussions with the CB Geography
Division. For the latest update on the AASHTO front see the "CTPP
Status Report" newsletter article "CTPP Consolidated Purchase" at
For TAZ sizes and the number of different geographic layers that CTPP
data products will come in, there have not been any firm decisions made
yet. Will there be one, two, three or even four different zonal
layers? For now, suffice it to say that one can build a good case for
any or all of these scenarios especially when considering the ACS and
how the CB will be releasing the data. Look for further discussions on
this topic on the "CTPP-news" list serve.
If you are getting this posting and you are not part of the "CTPP-news"
list serve you can join by visiting
http://www.trbcensus.com/maillist.html and subscribing.
Ed Christopher
708-283-3534 (V)
708-574-8131 (cell)
19900 Governors Dr
Olympia Fields, IL 60461
ctpp-news mailing list