**Apologies for cross-postings!**
In Fall 2011, TRB formed the Task Force on New Directions for the National Household
Travel Survey (ABJ45T). The main focus of the task force is to reach out to the
transportation community re: the use of NHTS and potential impacts of the redesign of the
survey and to serve as a bridge between USDOT and the NHTS data user community. Task
force members represent users from a variety of perspectives (see
http://goo.gl/Ll3dC for
a list of members).
If you are interested in participating in an in-person NHTS user discussion, we invite you
to join us at one of our upcoming user forums:
*Innovations in Travel Modeling, Monday April 30 from 8 to 10:15 am (See "NHTS Data
User's Forum" on the conference program)
*NATMEC, Wednesday June 6 from 10:30 to noon in the Continental Room.
*Tools of the Trade, Wednesday Sept 12 (as part of the Wednesday morning data workshop)
You can also subscribe to the NHTS-USER list serve, following the instructions at the
bottom of this email. The list serve is intended for periodic discussions of issues
relevant to the NHTS design and will serve as the "friend's list" for the
task force. Technical questions should continue to be directed to the FHWA Community of
Practice. We promise not to spam you, but will provide quarterly updates on NHTS program
activities, such as this most recent update:
March 2012, FHWA UPDATE: In February, the final 2009 Trip Chain file was posted on the
website. Also posted was the NHTS Visualization Tool containing the Data Extraction Tool
(DET), Choropleth Mapping with pie bubble charts and the Dashboard Design providing
synchronized display of maps, table and charts on selected travel trend data statistics
and geography. In early March, the 2010 Status of the Nation's Highways, Bridges and
Transit: Conditions and Performance Report to Congress was released. The report furnishes
Congress with an objective appraisal of the physical conditions, operational performance
and financial status of the transportation surface system. The NHTS program was
responsible for Chapter 1. Finally, the NHTS co-hosted a webinar that featured the Long
Distance Exploratory Research proposed design.
If you are a user of NHTS (past, present, or future), please feel free to join in the
Stacey Bricka
Chair, ABJ45T
NHTS-USER Listserve Subscription Instructions:
You can join the list by sending an email to
listserv@listserv.tamu.edu<mailto:listserv@listserv.tamu.edu> and in the BODY put
SUBSCRIBE nhts-user firstname lastname
(for example: "SUBSCRIBE nhts-user stacey bricka")
**You will receive an email requesting confirmation - please watch for that email and
respond promptly, as you have a limited time window in which to confirm.
Stacey Bricka, PhD | Texas Transportation Institute | 1106 Clayton Lane, Suite 300E,
Austin, TX 78723 | 512-407-1123 direct, 512-467-0952 receptionist | Fax 512-467-8971