LEHD file users should know that the quality of coverage of multi-site
employers can vary state-by-state depending on state employment agency
practice. Those who have access to the individual QCEW records in
your state might be able to answer particulars. For example, when I
got to Ohio 11 years ago they like many other states reported only one
employment site per public school district, but now report individual
school locations.
Also beware those multi-site employers that appear as multiple records
in the file but report the same address for all or virtually all
records which is not where the folks really work. Secondary source
sites can often work to correct these.
FYI, I found that in the LEHD file my residence location was correct
at the block level . . .
On Wed, Jun 6, 2012 at 4:59 PM, <Elaine.Murakami(a)dot.gov> wrote:
Hello Nick – Your results are not unusual, and the
CTPP listserv has had
discussions about this in the past. You can search the archives.
You might want to read the article from Jan 2011 CTPP Status report by
Nathan Erbaum (recently deceased).
Also, Bruce Spear from Cambridge Systematics completed the NCHRP project
mentioned in Nathan’s article.
Bruce recently did a webinar for the Census Bureau and perhaps he can share
the link to the recording (I assume it was recorded).
Finally, just last week, the LEHD project said they had added FEDERAL
employment to their database, but I have not checked it yet to see if it
makes sense. Previous to this latest release, federal employment was NOT
included. I hope that several of you on the CTPP listserv will be taking
the time to examine specific locations in your own area, e.g. major federal
office buildings, major military installations, that have impacted the
utility of the LEHD without requiring a lot of edits and corrections.
Also, as you know, the LEHD uses state QCEW and MWR reports, so it does not
include self-employed. Self-employed are estimated to be nearly 10 percent
of workers, and more likely to work from home (which accounts for shorter
commute trip length). We have found in the past that school districts and
other local governmental agencies may not distribute their workers to actual
worksites and often report only one main address. This occurred in
Illinois, where all state workers were assigned to Springfield as their
workplace location, but this was a long time ago, and may have been
subsequently corrected.
There is a separate listserv for LEHD which you could try to post your
query. This page, which I have not updated in a long time, include a link
to the listserv.
Elaine Murakami
FHWA Office of Planning
206-220-4460 (in Seattle)
From: ctpp-news-bounces(a)chrispy.net [mailto:ctpp-news-bounces@chrispy.net]
On Behalf Of Lindeman, Nicholas (MPO)
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2012 1:22 PM
To: 'ctpp-news(a)ryoko.chrispy.net'
Subject: [CTPP] ACS/CTPP vs LEHD
I’ve sent the following query to both the ACS and CTPP but have not (yet)
received a response. I was hoping someone on the mailing list might be able
to provide assistance.
I’ve been working with Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics (LEHD)in On
the Map. Specifically worker inflow/outflow analysis at the county level.
I’ve discovered that there is a significant difference between the LEHD data
and ACS Place of Work data from the 2008-10 3-Year ACS product. I've found
that for the Middle Tennessee (Nashville) region the % of workers residing
outside their home county is nearly 17 percentage points higher in the LEHD
data than in the ACS data. Please see the attached table.
I've been tasked with determining the reason(s) for this difference. Any
assistance you can provide would be greatly appreciated
Thank you,
Nick Lindeman
Nicholas Lindeman
Economic & Systems Data Analyst
Nashville Area MPO
800 2nd Ave. S.
P.O. Box 196300
Nashville, TN 37219-6300
(615) 862-7198
ctpp-news mailing list