I was wondering how do you handle combining different geographic areas with each other to
form a regional profile. For example, my office is a regional planning organization that
serves 12 counties. I want to take the profile data from ACS 2005-09 5-year estimates for
each county and form a profile of my regional, I know how to combine the estimates and do
the percentages, but how do I handle the margin of error columns? Is there their a
reference or guidance on this?
Thank you
Jason Gillow
Research/Planning Specialist II
Ohio Valley Regional Development Commission
9329 St Rt 220 E, Suite A
Waverly, OH 45690
Phone: 740-947-2853 or 800-223-7491 (In Ohio)
Fax: 740-947-3468
Email: jgillow(a)ovrdc.org