I am getting anecdotal remarks about whether or not SDCs have been open to working with
the transportation data community, e.g. State DOTs and MPOs, about PUMA delineation. I
think that if a few of you could provide some EXAMPLES of GOOD working relationships,
maybe we can reduce the problems in the next round.
Some questions to consider:
After 2000, how did the SDC do outreach with the data community to get input into PUMA
What are the SDCs' plans for outreach for the next round?
Has the MPO or the State DOT participated in the SDC program as an affiliate?
Did the transportation data community participate in the 2010 Census tract delineation?
State's Data Center contact list:
You don't have to write a book, just a couple of paragraphs would still be helpful!
Elaine Murakami
FHWA Office of Planning