You are not being a crank. You present a good question. Is the travel
of Millennials different than that of baby boomers when the baby boomers
were the millennials age? I can give you an answer but I can not not
cite all the references and research. Hopefully others can chime in
with specifics. I do know that this is a question that has been asked
and a few researchers, using NHTS and other sources have more or less
answered it. Yes, the travel of Millennials is different than that of
baby boomers when they were the age of the Millennials. As you might
imagine, having good data to answer the question is the hard part. Two
years ago at TRB we had a session on this topic where it was discussed
at length. Hopefully others on this list will be able to put their hands
on the specific research to give more details than my broad sweeping
On 8/13/2015 4:31 PM, Mike Cline wrote:
Sorry to be a crank and perhaps it is because I am
sandwiched between these two generations and sick of hearing about
them both...
Interesting statistics but why compare an older age group with a
younger age group and then place a generational label. I am afraid
that, without some context, folks are going to make conclusions that
might be more about age differences (an age group at the height of
their career vs. an age group at the beginning)? Generational (cohort)
comparisons would be more appropriate if you could compare the Baby
boom when they were young to the millenials at the same age. Not
saying there are not differences but I am afraid that these side by
side comparisons would lead some (the press) to draw conclusions that
are beyond what can be told from the data.
Michael E. Cline, PhD
Associate Director
Hobby Center for the Study of Texas
Rice University
5615 Kirby Dr
Ste 840
Houston, TX 77005
Mailing Address:
6100 Main St,MS-202
Houston, TX 77005
On 8/13/2015 1:46 PM, Elaine.Murakami(a) wrote:
In case you haven’t seen these, we posted new profile sheets that use
the 2006-2008 ACS and the 2011-2013 ACS Public Use Microdata Sample.
In these profiles, Baby Boomers are defined as those born between
1946 and 1964, and Millennials are defined as those born between 1983
and 2000.
For the 2006-2008 ACS, many of the Millennials were not yet of
working age.
The geography is limited only to those Counties for which PUMA
geography has matching boundaries.…
I have seen some recent forecasts about declining gasoline prices, so
we will see how this impacts the mode to work and auto ownership for
younger workers in the near future.
Elaine Murakami
FHWA Office of Planning
206-220-4460 (in Seattle)
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