To: CTPP listserv
This message about Census 2000 data on DVD is from the Bureau's
"Monthly Product Announcement" e-mail newsletter. Subscribe at:
It may be useful to request a DVD drive when it's time to upgrade
your computer....
This may be an idea for distributing the CTPP 2000, since in the last
go-around (in 1990) the CTPP/urban element comprised about 33 CDs;
and the CTPP/statewide element was another 12 CDs!! (How many DVDs
are the equivalent of 45 CDs?)
Chuck Purvis, MTC
From the Monthly Product Announcement (October 2000,
The Census Bureau will release some of its TIGER/LINE and Census 2000
geographic and data products on DVD. This will save customers money
in the purchase of Census Bureau products; however, it will require
computers equipped with a DVD reader."