TO: CTPP-News; BayArea Census Listserv; BayArea GIS-T Listserv
FR: Chuck Purvis
Hello again!
The registration for the "CTPP and Census 2000 Products" Workshop for Monday,
January 27th, is closing at 5:00 PM today. We currently have over 100 persons registered,
and we need to close down registration for planning the final logisitics of the workshop.
We're very much looking forward to having you all here!
We have a substitution on the program with Ms. Clara Reschovsky of the Census Bureau
Journey-to-Work and Migration Statistics Branch filling in for Phil Salopek. Thank you,
In terms of CTPP data available at the January 27th workshop, we do not anticipate having
any of the CTPP area-of-residence (Part 1) data to show. The area-of-residence data is
expected in February - March 2003; the area-of-work and commute flow data is expected this
summer (April - July); and the county-to-county total commuters data files are anticipated
in February.
For those folks not attending, we will do what we can to post all materials, powerpoint
presentations, etc., on the MTC/ABAG web sites by sometime next week.
Chuck Purvis, MTC
Charles L. Purvis, AICP
Senior Transportation Planner/Analyst
Metropolitan Transportation Commission
101 Eighth Street
Oakland, CA 94607-4700
(510) 464-7731 (office)
(510) 464-7848 (fax)
Census WWW: