Hi All,
I am a new user of the CTPP data and am in the process of comparing CTPP
part 3 tract-tract worker flow data to the Home-Based Work trip table
from the travel demand model I am currently working on. I came across a
few questions/issues for which I would welcome your
1) Do the CTPP part 3 flows account for all the home-based work trips? I
noticed that the commonly accepted home-based work attraction rate is
about 1.5 trips per total employment (NCHRP 365) and this creates more
HBW trips than there are in the CTPP part 3. Let me know if I there is
something wrong in my interpretation of the data.
2) How much success have the MPO's had in calibrating their trip
distribution models based on CTPP Part 3? What level of accuracy is
typically desired?
Jiji V. Kottommannil
Transportation Modeling Specialist,E.I.T.
Crawford Bunte Brammeier
Phone: 314-878-6644, Ext. 38
Fax: 314-878-5876