Thanks Patty:
I agree. Such a simple and useful housing table on the PL 94-171 is long overdue. Just not
my fight anymore :)
I found the "Census 2010 Data Products" page on the Bureau's website:
What is interesting, on this page, is the last item on Public Use Microdata Sample files.
The way it's worded suggests that there will be a "2010 Census short form"
PUMS data file (I'm assuming in addition to any ACS PUMS products.....)
On Feb 9, 2011, at 10:16 AM, Patty Becker wrote:
Yes, the Demographic Profile is on the 2010 Census
Data Products chart, scheduled for May. It will go down to the Place/functioning MCD
Chuck - we fought long and hard to have the HUs counts on PL - this is something they
should have done 20 years ago.
Patty Becker
At 12:56 PM 2/9/2011, you wrote:
Question and a comment.
Will the Census Bureau produce a "Demographic Profile #1" this spring, for all
places in the US? In spring 2001 (April/May/June, 2001), the Census Bureau produced a
one-page profile based on Census 2000 short form data, kind of like highlights from the
SF1 (not all of the details of SF1, data reported for places, counties, etc., not tracts,
block groups or blocks.) This was an "intermediate" product between the release
of the PL 94-171 files (February, March 2001) and the SF-1 files (summer 2001).
One NEW table from the PL 94-171 is a housing units table (total, occupied, vacant
units). This is great! This will allow city planners a very early opportunity to assess
the quality of the short form data for their community.
take care,
Chuck Purvis
Hayward, California
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Patricia C. (Patty) Becker 248/354-6520
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