I've sent the following query to both the ACS and CTPP but have not (yet) received a
response. I was hoping someone on the mailing list might be able to provide assistance.
I've been working with Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics (LEHD)in On the Map.
Specifically worker inflow/outflow analysis at the county level. I've discovered that
there is a significant difference between the LEHD data and ACS Place of Work data from
the 2008-10 3-Year ACS product. I've found that for the Middle Tennessee (Nashville)
region the % of workers residing outside their home county is nearly 17 percentage points
higher in the LEHD data than in the ACS data. Please see the attached table.
I've been tasked with determining the reason(s) for this difference. Any assistance
you can provide would be greatly appreciated
Thank you,
Nick Lindeman
Nicholas Lindeman
Economic & Systems Data Analyst
Nashville Area MPO
800 2nd Ave. S.
P.O. Box 196300
Nashville, TN 37219-6300
(615) 862-7198