I am out of the office until 10/08/2014.
Please contact Cemal Ayvalik (phone: 312 665 0209) reagrding any CTPP
related inssues during my absence.
Note: This is an automated response to your message "[CTPP] Thinking about
about Ladders of Opportunities" sent on 9/26/2014 2:23:26 PM.
This is the only notification you will receive while this person is away.
Here is a little reminder about some CTPP tables you might not know about:
A104201 : Vehicle Availability by Poverty Status
A112213 : Vehicle Availabilty by Age of Householder (includes 8 age categories, of which the top 3 are 60-64; 65-74, and 75 and over)
Here is the link to the 2006-2010 CTPP data on the AASHTO page:
Elaine Murakami
FHWA Office of Planning
206-220-4460 (in Seattle)
Today, the Census Bureau updated us on their work with the 2014 ACS Content Review. A Federal Register notice on proposed changes to the ACS will be posted in October. At this point, no major changes are planned for the journey-to-work questions. Statements of support for the journey-to-work items in response to the October Federal Register notice will reinforce the decision to leave the journey-to-work items alone.
Thank you all for your effort and support with this task!
Julie Parker
Survey Statistician
OST-R/Bureau of Transportation Statistics
202-374-2574 (cell)
617-494-3417 (Volpe library on Tuesdays & Wednesdays)
This is something I meant to send out a while ago. We used the new CTPP
data to create an interactive web map to look at commuting in the Baltimore
*Mara Kaminowitz, GISP*GIS Coordinator
*Baltimore Metropolitan Council*
Offices @ McHenry Row
1500 Whetstone Way
Suite 300
Baltimore, MD 21230
410-732-0500 ext. 1030
Here is the September 2014 issue of the CTPP Status Report.
We are looking for interesting uses of CTPP data or other data related to commuting, to highlight in the next issue (December 2014). If you have an idea, please let me know!
Since the CTPP tabulations do not have an annual data release, we try to use ACS standard products to help the CTPP community.
Here are our latest profiles, using 3-year ACS data summaries (2007-2009 and 2010-2012 ACS), along with CTPP2000. The geographic level is limited to State, County, and Place.
Currently, Tara Rima from Cambridge Systematics is our CTPP Technical Support person. Cambridge Systematics is in the process of finding staff to replace Ms. Liang Long, who worked on the CTPP program for 6 years and took a new job in July. So, if you need technical assistance on CTPP, please contact Tara at trima(a)camsys.com<mailto:trima@camsys.com>
Elaine Murakami
FHWA Office of Planning
206-220-4460 (in Seattle)
Dear CTPP list and transportation data users,
My apologies if you have already participated in this survey.
Please participate in the Census Transportation Planning Products (CTPP) program web survey at:
AASHTO CTPP Survey<http://www.surveygizmo.com/s3/1755727/AASHTO-CTPP-Survey>
The CTPP 2006-2010 was released in fall, 2013. CTPP 2006-2010 has two significant differences from the CTPP 2000: 1) it is tabulated from American Community Survey (ACS)-based microdata; and 2) it incorporates synthetic disclosure-proofed data.
In order to assess the utility of the 2006 - 2010 CTPP 5-year data product, a research team is conducting a web survey of CTPP users to better understand their issues, challenges, and opportunities in using the data for transportation purposes. The web survey effort seeks to shed light on the breadth of CTPP and ACS data usage. The survey results will also be used to develop analysis case studies to further evaluate the utility of the CTPP and ACS data.
Please click the above link to participate in the web survey
We hope you will complete the survey by September 12, 2014.
If you have questions, please contact Dr. Cemal Ayvalik at cayvalik(a)camsys.com<mailto:cayvalik@camsys.com>, 312 665 0209 or Penelope Weinberger at Pweinberger(a)aashto.org<mailto:Pweinberger@aashto.org>, 202-624-3556.
Penelope Z. Weinberger
CTPP Program Manager