ctpp-news April 2009

  • 33 participants
  • 25 discussions

Diana Portillo is out of the office.
by Diana Portillo
15 years, 9 months

Re: [CTPP] Census News Brief
by Nathan Erlbaum
15 years, 9 months

Census News Brief
by Ed Christopher
15 years, 9 months

Diana Portillo is out of the office.
by Diana Portillo
15 years, 9 months

Did you miss the PUMS and IPUMS web-training session held on April 16?
by Elaine.Murakami@dot.gov
15 years, 9 months

Census News Brief
by Ed Christopher
15 years, 9 months

RE: Comparison of ACS 1-year, ACS 3-year & Annual Estimates
by Graham, Todd
15 years, 9 months

Comparison of ACS 1-year, ACS 3-year & Annual Estimates
by Frank Lenk
15 years, 9 months

RE: [CTPP] CTPP 3-year table request "The is also none univariate table with all 18 modes"
by Teresa Chapman
15 years, 9 months

CTPP 3-year table request
by Ed Christopher
15 years, 9 months
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