ctpp-news November 2005

  • 8 participants
  • 13 discussions

2003 and 2004 PUMS files for ACS will be re-released
by Ed Christopher
19 years, 3 months

New 2004 ACS data on American Factfinder: Missing Tables?
by Chuck Purvis
19 years, 3 months

RE: [CTPP] New 2004 ACS data on American Factfinder: Missing Tables?
by Murakami, Elaine
19 years, 3 months

RE: [CTPP] Part 3 - Installation Errors
by Srinivasan, Nanda
19 years, 3 months

Part 3 - Installation Errors
by Kevin Beers
19 years, 3 months

Re: [CTPP] mean income for bicycle vs walk
by Chuck Purvis
19 years, 3 months

Re: [CTPP] mean income for bicycle vs walk
by Ed Christopher
19 years, 3 months

mean income for bicycle vs walk
by Andrew PICKARD
19 years, 3 months

Census News Brief
by ed christopher
19 years, 4 months

Census funding update: GOOD NEWS!
by Ed Christopher
19 years, 4 months
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