RE: [CTPP] Census 1980 Urbanized Areas - Maps
by Srinivasan, Nanda <FHWA>
I know that the USGS made an effort to work on Urban areas for 1980, but these
may have been different from Census urbanized areas. I think the USGS data
is documented in the national atlas for geospatial data. The website is:
Nanda Srinivasan
>>> JHUBBELL(a)MARC.ORG 11/21/02 09:58AM >>>
I recently looked into this, and learned that the 1980 UZA boundaries were
never digitized by the Census. You might check with other agencies in your
region to see if it was done independently.
Jim Hubbell
Transportation Planner
Mid-America Regional Council
600 Broadway
Suite 300
Kansas City, MO 64105
(816) 474-4240
(816) 421-7758 fax
-----Original Message-----
From: Haila Maze []
Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2002 8:41 AM
To: Ctpp-News Maillist
Subject: [CTPP] Census 1980 Urbanized Areas - Maps
Is anyone aware of a place we can obtain ArcView shapefiles (or compatible
format) of the Census 1980 urbanized areas?
Haila R. Maze, AICP
Senior Planner
Berkeley Charleston Dorchester Council of Goverments
5290 Rivers Avenue, Suite 400
North Charleston, SC 29406
(843) 529-0400
(843) 529-0305 fax