ctpp-news February 2001

  • 14 participants
  • 19 discussions

Re: [CTPP] A question on combining NPTS and Census Data
by Liss, Susan <FHWA>
24 years

Stp 1 - Block level data
by Hoekstra, Jay
24 years

Census 2000 NEWS ALERT (long post warning)
by ed christopher
24 years

South Africa Survey Conference
by Peter Stopher
24 years

Census Question on Departure Time from home-to-work
by Chuck Purvis (MTC)
24 years

Re: [CTPP] County Population totals for 2000
by ian.millett@census.gov
24 years

RE: [CTPP] population of urbanized area
by Lori.Kelsey@mail.state.ky.us
24 years

County Population totals for 2000
by Gardner, John F
24 years

FW: [CTPP] population of urbanized area
by Jay Hoekstra
24 years

FW: [CTPP] population of urbanized area
by Jay Hoekstra
24 years
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