Attention TAZ-UP Participants
by Srinivasan, Nanda <FHWA>
The Census Bureau, Geography Division noticed that some of the participants
have been posting files to a wrong ftp site. We created a specific ftp site
for the TAZ Verification program. This website is:
If you have already posted your equivalence files to another website, please
reload your files to the correct website.
Please note that if you post your file to any other Census Bureau website, we
wont be able to access the file or have a record for your submission.
The following section documents the Census Bureau guidelines (page 10 of the
Census Bureau TAZ Verification guidelines) for your reference.
V. Instructions for Submitting Verification Changes
If the TAZ boundaries displayed in the Verification TIGER/Line file
are accurate and require corrections to few TAZs (less than 20 as a
participants do not have to submit a new polygon equivalency file. In these
cases, the participant can choose to submit a sketch map showing corrections.
Using 20 as a guideline, evaluate how many TAZs require correction. If
corrections are required for many TAZs (more than 20 as a guideline), the
Census Bureau request that changes be submitted in a polygon equivalency
file. This file will be just like the original TAZ submittal; it must include
record for each polygon in the TIGER/Line file and must be a comma
delimited, ASCII text file.
Participants are required to inform the Census Bureau (via e-mail) if
no changes are required to their TAZ plan, if verification maps are
being sent to the RCC, or if an equivalency file(s) will be sent to the
Census Bureau. Please include the following staff on your notification e-mail
Valerie Murdock: vmurdock(a)
Carrie Saunders: csaunders(a)
Jamie Rosenson: jrosenson(a)
Nanda Srinivasan: Nanda.Srinivasan(a)
TAZ contact at the responsible RCC (See TAZ RCC contact information
for e-mail address)
A. To submit a TAZ polygon equivalency file to the Census Bureau
log on to:
B. At the Send a File Utility page, type in your e-mail address as
a password.
C. Enter the required information under Contact Information:
* Your name
* Telephone number
* Agency name
* Your e-mail address
D. All TAZ verification files will be automatically directed to the
following Census Bureau directory. The name of the directory
is: /pub/incoming/geo/TAZef
E. Identify the files you want to transmit to the Census Bureau, by
clicking on the Browse button. Navigate to the directory wherethe files are
stored and select the name of the files(s) so they
appear in the File to Send boxes. You will have the ability to
transmit up to six polygon equivalency files at one time.
The Census 2000 TAZ polygon equivalency file name must be
shown with *tgr* as the prefix followed by the 5 digit state and
county codes, ending with the extension *.tav*. For example,
*tgr17031.tav*. Please note, the file name is case-sensitive.
F. After you have entered the file name(s), click on the Upload
button to transmit your files to the Census Bureau.
You will receive confirmation by e-mail that the file transfer was
successful. If you have difficulty transmitting files or do not
receive a confirmation e-mail, please contact Valerie Murdock or
Carrie Saunders on (301) 457-1099.
Thank You!
Nanda Srinivasan
(202) 366-5021