ABJ30 Members and Friends,
To prepare our Triennial Strategic Plan (TSP) - we need your input on
our draft Goals and Objectives document (see below) - thanks for all
your help!!!!
Confirmation, Edits or Amendments to
January 2009
This committee is interested in the design, collection, analysis, and
reporting of transportation supply and demand data needed to support
urban and metropolitan transportation planning efforts. In particular,
the committee is interested in developing the data requirements of new
and innovative techniques for measuring and monitoring the performance
of metropolitan transportation systems; and in evaluating changes in
demographic and urban travel characteristics. In terms of household and
other transportation surveys, the committee is concerned with the
analysis, reporting, archiving, and dissemination of results and data
products. The committee is interested in the effective use of census
and other federal, secondary data sources in metropolitan transportation
planning. The committee is concerned with advancements in information
systems and information technology for the improved dissemination and
sharing of knowledge about metropolitan transportation systems and urban
travel behavior.
Committee Goals:
Goal #1: Provide a national forum for the continuing identification and
prioritization of research on urban and metropolitan transportation
"supply and demand" data, inputs needed for and outputs created from
information systems and the dissemination of research findings.
a) Provide active assistance to the National Research Council in
developing a prioritized listing of urban and metropolitan
transportation "supply and demand" data research problem statements that
address the emphasis areas identified for this Committee.
b) Encourage the active participation of Committee members and
friends on national cooperative research councils including NCHRP, TCHRP
and other relevant research panels for studies of interest to the
c) Recommend publication of significant urban and metropolitan
"supply and demand" data research papers in the Transportation Research
d) Conduct at least one paper session at each annual meeting;
e) Task each Committee member with identifying emerging urban
transportation data and information systems issues, future areas of
concern and opportunities for new research, and with sharing this
information through the Committee's communication network;
f) Continue to develop the Committee website devoted to Committee
activities and research in topic areas.
Goal #2: Continue to prepare for and conduct relevant and valuable
gatherings of the Committee members and friends. The Committee shall
meet at least twice per year in association with TRB annual meeting in
January and in a mid-year business meeting. These activities provide a
strong focus for the Committee and should be continued.
a) Strive to identify important and timely workshop and
presentation topics that advance the Committee's efforts to promote
areas of emphasis.
b) Work with TRB to ensure desired paper sessions are featured in
the annual meeting agenda;
c) Form and task a mid-year Workshop Subcommittee with identifying
a suitable host location and agenda for each mid-year meeting and work
with other relevant committees to increase synergy across topics;
d) To the degree possible, conduct the Committee's mid-year meeting
in a different region of the country each year to gain greater national
exposure and support for the work of the Committee;
e) The Committee Chair shall be responsible for moderating all
business meeting sessions or delegating this responsibility to another
member of the Committee;
f) The Chair shall assign responsibility to a Committee member or
friend for recording minutes for each meeting and submitting an
electronic version to the Chair as soon as possible (preferably within
two weeks of completion of the meeting).
g) The Chair shall be responsible for preparing and transmitting
final business meeting reports to TRB within 45 days of the completion
of each meeting. Copies of the reports shall also be sent to each
member and friend of the Committee.
h) Copies of all reports of the proceedings of the annual and
mid-year business meetings shall be retained by the Section Chair for
use in preparation of the ABJ30 Triennial Self Evaluation Report.
Goal #3: Maintain an active organization that supports the mission of
TRB Section ABJ00 and ABJ30. The Committee shall utilize one or more
subcommittees to carry out its overall functions and responsibilities.
Subcommittees will be created to address ongoing or emerging issues to
the Committee as a whole.
a) The Committee Chair shall be responsible for creating or
dissolving subcommittees with input from the members present at the
annual or mid-year business meeting;
b) The Committee Chair shall appoint a current committee member to
be the chairperson to oversee the activities of each subcommittee;
c) Each subcommittee shall be tasked with creating its own set of
goals and objectives that support the overall goals of the Committee;
d) The Committee Chair shall ensure that the Committee members
conduct Committee and subcommittee business meetings at each annual and
mid-year meeting;
e) Each subcommittee shall be tasked with reporting at the annual
meeting on the accomplishments made through the proceeding year and
activities planning for the succeeding year.
Goal #4: Expand and formalize the Committee liaison program. Many
members of ABJ30 are also members or friends of other TRB Committees (or
similar communities in other organizations). The research and other
activities of these groups can be of valuable assistance to ABJ30 in
achieving out Committee goals and our activities may be of similar value
to them. A closer liaison should be encouraged and formalized to
improve on the existing communications between these groups.
a) A listing of all appropriate TRB and other regional and national
committees and groups shall be established and maintained;
b) To the degree possible, one or more ABJ30 members shall be
assigned as liaisons to each identified group;
c) Liaisons shall be tasked with responsibility for reporting on
important external group activities through the Committee's website or
at mid-year meetings.
d) Liaisons shall actively promote joint activities that support
the Committee's areas of interest and bring these activities to the
attention of the full Committee.
Goal #5: Maintain a geographically and organizationally diverse
Committee membership of well-qualified, highly motivated individuals.
The Committee actively seeks diversity in its organization by striving
to ensure the participation of members drawn form a variety of federal,
state and local government agencies, academia, public interests, private
enterprises (including consultant sector), and the general public.
Broad geographical distribution of members, including international
participation, is an important element in achieving the desired
a) Form and task a Steering Subcommittee with annually reviewing
the membership roster and identifying potential problems or concerns
with membership numbers, terms or levels of participation;
b) Task the Steering Subcommittee with reporting on the status of
the Committee membership at each mid-year meeting of the Committee. The
report should include identification of any interest group or
geographical membership gaps, term limit concerns and participation
c) Task each additional subcommittee with responsibility for
identifying highly qualified potential members and forwarding names and
resumes to the Steering Subcommittee;
d) Charge each member of the Committee with volunteering a minimum
of 40 hours per year toward supporting Committee activities such as
reviewing or preparing technical papers, chairing or serving on a
subcommittee, serving as a liaison to another TRB or similar
organization committee, or actively participating in the annual and
mid-year meeting programs.
Catherine T. Lawson, Ph. D.
Director, MRP Program
Associate Professor
University at Albany
Geography & Planning
AS 218 1400 Washington
Albany, New York 12222
(518) 442-4775
(518) 442-4742 FAX