ABJ30 Members and Friends,
The August 1st deadline for paper submissions is almost here --- in the next few days Tom
Palmerlee will be assigning papers to Committees and we will be looking for reviewers - I
hope you will be available to help - we need your expertise and experience with this very
important part of the TRB Annual Meeting process. We will also be moving ahead with our
Workshop plans and looking for your input on panel sessions and suggestions for
partnerships with other Committees. Thanks for all your help and support for ABJ30 --
Catherine T. Lawson, Ph.D.
Director, MRP Program
Associate Professor
University at Albany
Geography & Planning
AS 218 1400 Washington
Albany, New York 12222
(518) 442-4775
(518) 442-4742 FAX
(518) 209-1155 CELL