Hi Everyone-
Penelope shared the information below on the AASHTO Committee on Data
Management and Analytics virtual annual meeting on October 5-6. This looks
like a great agenda, and best of all registration is FREE and open to
anyone interested.
Please consider attending if you have time. Thanks again to everyone for
your efforts with paper reviews over the last month!
Michael D. Fontaine, P.E., Ph.D.
Associate Director / Virginia Transportation Research Council
Virginia Department of Transportation
434-293-1980 (W) / 434-882-3201 (C)
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: SOCORRO BRISENO <cbriseno(a)comcast.net>
Date: Mon, Sep 27, 2021 at 1:27 PM
Subject: Fwd: Data Committee annual (virtual) meeting
To: peggi.knight(a)dot.iowa.gov <peggi.knight(a)dot.iowa.gov>ov>, Michael Fontaine
<michael.fontaine(a)vdot.virginia.gov>ov>, kviswanathan(a)camsys.com <
kviswanathan(a)camsys.com>gt;, sparker(a)engr.wisc.edu <sparker(a)engr.wisc.edu>du>,
chad.baker(a)dot.ca.gov <chad.baker(a)dot.ca.gov>ov>, aconway(a)ccny.cuny.edu <
aconway(a)ccny.cuny.edu>gt;, Yinhai Wang <yinhai(a)uw.edu>du>, panastas(a)buffalo.edu <
panastas(a)buffalo.edu>gt;, kevin.gilson(a)wsp.com <kevin.gilson(a)wsp.com>
Cc: Stacey Bricka <stacey.bricka(a)macrosysrt.com>om>, Frank Broen <
frank(a)metroanalytics.com>gt;, James Hall <jhall1(a)uis.edu>du>, Gary Jenkins <
gjenkins(a)nas.edu>gt;, tpalmerlee(a)nas.edu <tpalmerlee(a)nas.edu>du>,
pweinberger(a)aashto.org <pweinberger(a)aashto.org>
Hi All,
Sharing information about the upcoming AASHTO data committee meeting
(Penelope's email below contains all the details). Looks like there will be
great discussion and plenty of opportunity for collaboration.
---------- Original Message ----------
From: "Weinberger, Penelope" <pweinberger(a)aashto.org>
To: "cbriseno(a)comcast.net" <cbriseno(a)comcast.net>
Cc: "Palmerlee, Thomas" <TPalmerlee(a)nas.edu>du>, "Knight, Peggi"
Date: 09/27/2021 7:00 AM
Subject: Data Committee annual (virtual) meeting
Good Morning Coco,
I am hoping you will forward this to the Data Science and Information
Section Committee Chairs and that they will forward it to their members.
Next week, Oct 5th and 6th, the Committee on Data Management and Analytics
of AASHTO is holding their annual meeting, virtually, via Zoom. The agenda
is chock full of compelling topics, speakers and presenters. The stated
purpose of the conference is to provide a platform to vet issues and
challenges and to engage in generating fresh strategies and solutions for
harnessing the vast transportation data world.
Attendance is free and open to all interested parties.
An agenda is here:
And registration is here:
Penelope Weinberger
Transportation Data Program Manager