ABJ30 Urban Transportation Data and
Information Systems Committee
National Academy of Sciences Building
2101 Constitution Avenue, NW
June 11, 2013
11:30AM - 1:00PM
1. Please join my meeting, Tuesday, June 11, 2013 at 11:30 AM Eastern Daylight Time.
2. Join the conference call:
Phone: 866-528-2256
Access Code: 1716247
Meeting ID: 363-473-536
I. Welcome and Introductions (name, affiliation, two research areas of interest)
(11:30 - 11:35)
II. Approval of the Minutes - Maren Outwater [MOutwater(a)rsginc.com] (11:35 - 11:40)
III. Special Guest Speaker on Census 2020 (11:40 - noon)
a. Burton H. Reist, Chief 2020 Research and Planning Office
IV. MAP - 21: The role of existing urban data (noon to 12:45)
a. Our Matrix Project - (Nancy McGuckin [N_McGuckin(a)Rocketmail.com] Travel Behavior
i. Can we identify sources of data that answer MAP- 21 questions?
ii. Do we have data or agency partners?
iii. Near term and longer term opportunities
b. BIG Data - Piyushimita (Vonu) Thakuriah [Piyushimita.Thakuriah(a)glasgow.ac.uk],
University of Glasgow/Harvey Miller [harvey.miller(a)geog.utah.edu], University of Utah
i. Is Big Data ready for prime time applications for MAP- 21?
ii. Do we have examples of potential uses?
c. Census API - (Clara Reschovsky [[creschovsky(a)mwcog.org], MWCOG/Mara Kaminowitz
[mkaminowitz(a)baltometro.org], BMC)
i. How can Census and CTPP products assist in meeting MAP-21 requirements?
ii. What new tools/data products will be made available?
iii. How can organizations take advantage of the Census API?
d. Bike and Ped Data (Liz Stolz [bikeandped(a)gmail.com], Chaparral Systems
i. Will pre-MAP- 21 ideas meet MAP- 21 needs?
ii. Are there opportunities to apply data in the near term?
e. Archived Data - (Kristin Tufte [tufte(a)cs.pdx.edu], Portland State University)
i. Will MAP- 21 highlight the value of archived data?
ii. Are these data ready for applications?
f. Transit GTFS - (James Wong [jowong(a)gatech.edu], Georgia Tech
i. Are there opportunities to highlight GTFS in MAP- 21 applications?
ii. Do we have a near-term example?
g. Travel time, Speed and Reliability - (Karl Petty [karl(a)bt-systems.com], Iteris,
Inc./Michael Fontaine [Michael.Fontaine(a)VDOT.Virginia.gov], Virginia Center for
Transportation Innovation and Research)
i. Does MAP- 21 give TTSR a role in the near-term?
ii. Are there opportunities for new private/public partnerships?
V. Weather: A forecast for ABJ30? (12:45 - 12:55)
a. General discussion on the role of urban data and extreme weather events
VI. New Business (12:55 - 1:00)
a. Upcoming Conferences and Workshops
i. Transit GIS Conference - Washington D. C.
ii. Plans for Workshops at Annual Meeting
b. Research Needs Statement Update - James Jan-Mou Li [lij3(a)ornl.gov] Oak Ridge
National Labs
c. Research Roundtable Discussion
Catherine T. Lawson, Ph.D.
Chair, Geography and Planning Department
Director, Lewis Mumford Center
Associate Professor
University at Albany
Geography & Planning
AS 218 1400 Washington
Albany, New York 12222
(518) 442-4775
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(518) 209-1155 CELL