Hello friends of AED20,
I hope everyone is doing well. The TRB Urban Data Committee midyear
meeting is scheduled for June 29 from 2-4 PM Eastern. I have attached the
agenda and some materials for you to review before our June 29 Midyear
meeting. Some specific items to note are:
- The midyear meeting will be virtual via Zoom. The attached agenda has
the login in information.
- I have attached the draft minutes from the January Annual meeting.
Please review this and provide any comments to Pavithra before the midyear
meeting (pparthasarathi(a)hrtpo.org).
- *IMPORTANT:* One of the focus items for the midyear meeting will be
to discuss the update to our committee Triennial Strategic Plan. Jim,
Jinghua, Leta, and Karen have all worked hard to develop an initial draft,
which is attached. We hope to have a good discussion of the TSP during the
midyear meeting.
I look forward to seeing everyone virtually in a couple of weeks!
Michael D. Fontaine, P.E., Ph.D.
Associate Director / Virginia Transportation Research Council
Virginia Department of Transportation
434-293-1980 (W) / 434-882-3201 (C)