Hi all,

Here are a few links we discussed in today's phone call.

http://www.tims.berkeley.edu Is the collision mapping site. Registration is required, but it's instant.

Here's our research page, which has some of the projects I mentioned, but if you want more details, especially about modeling and data analysis, it's probably best to talk to the lead researchers directly.


It was great hearing all the activities going on around the country in this area.

Thanks for the opportunity to take part.

(My Director, David Ragland, is cc'ed).

Please don't hesitate to contact me if you need more information.



Phyllis Orrick
Communications Director
Safe Transportation Research and Education Center (SafeTREC)
University of California Transportation Center (UCTC)
Institute for Urban and Regional Development (IURD)
2614 Dwight Way
UC Berkeley
Berkeley CA 94720-7374