[apologies for cross-postings]
Please note the opportunity to register for the pre-conference workshop that will take place Wed Nov. 14th: Aging and Place: Neighborhoods and health in a world growing older

The challenge for our time is to create and maintain environments that support people to age in place successfully. Most research has focused on the main effects of neighborhood characteristics; few studies of older adults have considered race/ethnicity. This workshop will bring together experts including behavioral scientists, health researchers, urban planners, and architects to address these gaps and to stimulate new research. The workshop will be divided into three sections: 1) neighborhood mechanisms for health; 2) minority aging; and 3) implications for service and policy. Each section will be followed by facilitated discussion. Sponsored by the National Institute of Aging.  In partnership with the Behavioral and Social Sciences Section, Epidemiology of Aging, and the Physical Environments & Aging Interest Groups.   
More information about agenda, and registration available at: http://publichealth.drexel.edu/agingandplace.


Irene H. Yen, Ph.D., M.P.H.
Associate Professor
Division of General Internal Medicine
Department of Medicine
University of California, San Francisco
Associate Director, Experiential Learning, Health & Society Pathway
3333 California Street, Suite 335
Box 0856
San Francisco, CA 94143-0856 [for FedEx - use 94118]
(415) 502 8291 (fax)
EMAIL ADDRESS: irene.yen@ucsf.edu