Hi all,

Here's a page on official USDOT policy on social media participation. If anyone can translate, that would be great. 


On Tue, Sep 11, 2012 at 10:00 AM, <h+t--friends-request@chrispy.net> wrote:
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Today's Topics:

   1. Agency rules on personnel using social media (Phyllis Orrick)


Message: 1
Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2012 09:50:33 -0700
From: Phyllis Orrick <phylliso@berkeley.edu>
Subject: [H+T--Friends] Agency rules on personnel using social media
To: h+t--friends@chrispy.net
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Hi everyone,

We in the Health and Transportation Communications group are mulling which
social media platforms to use (as would be apparent to all of you who
filled out our surveys--thanks!) and one of our members remarked that USDOT
policy has the effect of strongly discouraging employees from including
their agency affiliation if they engage in social media as individuals,
e.g., not as a social media staffer, but in a work-related context, e.g., a
LinkedIn group for health and transportation.

I posted that observation to the Facebook group, Transportation Social
Media <transportationsocialmedia@groups.facebook.com>, (which, by the way,
is a great sounding board and resource for any of you trying to get a grasp
on social media in our field). Here are some excerpts from the replies I

The main message seems to be that if you note that your opinions are your
own and do not reflect that of your agency, you should be okay.

I would be most interested to hear others' thoughts, not just on federal
policies but those of states and local agencies.



Phyllis, in my opinion, your friend should only worry about the issue if he
is going to try to open social media accounts that are related to his
transportation/federal government interests. For instance, if he wanted to
start a twitter feed that focused and connected with transportation policy
folks - he would want to note in his profile that his comments and opinions
are his own and do not represent the thoughts and opinions of the federal
agency for which he works.

Phyllis Orrick<http://www.facebook.com/n/?phyllis.orrick&mid=6b4312dG433c96e1G2ed4072G85&bcode=xZV0bQWz_1.1347040255.AaQ1CQxnIzZO081F&n_m=poberkeley%40gmail.com>6:15am
Sep 7
I guess the question my colleague had was how does USDOT define "make sure
it's clear"? He seems to feel that he can't show his affiliation at all.
Anyone else have thoughts? Or is there a written guidance, with examples of
acceptable social media accounts that include USDOT affiliations--and not
accounts run on behalf of an agency?
[image: Todd Solomon]<http://www.facebook.com/n/?todd.solomon3&mid=6b4312dG433c96e1G2ed4072G85&bcode=xZV0bQWz_1.1347040255.AaQ1CQxnIzZO081F&n_m=poberkeley%40gmail.com>
Not true. USDOT has a social media policy like other fed agencies that asks
employees to make sure it's clear they are not representing the agency in
their personal social media activities--unless they are assigned to work on
one of USDOT's 32 social accounts.

Phyllis Orrick
Communications Director
Safe Transportation Research and Education
University of California Transportation Center <http://www.uctc.net/> (UCTC)
Institute for Urban and Regional Development <http://www.iurd.berkeley.edu/>
California Active Transportation Safety Information
2614 Dwight Way
UC Berkeley
Berkeley CA 94720-7374
@transsafe <https://twitter.com/#!/transsafe>
@californiaUTC <https://twitter.com/#!/CaliforniaUTC>
@IURDBerkeley <https://twitter.com/#!/IURDBerkeley>
@trbhealth <https://twitter.com/#!/trbhealth>
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End of H+T--Friends Digest, Vol 17, Issue 3

Phyllis Orrick
Communications Director
Safe Transportation Research and Education Center (SafeTREC)
University of California Transportation Center (UCTC)
Institute for Urban and Regional Development (IURD)
California Active Transportation Safety Information Pages (CATSIP)
2614 Dwight Way
UC Berkeley
Berkeley CA 94720-7374