Greetings TRB Health and Transportation Subcommittee Friends,


The free webinar event on June 28 detailed below may be of interest to you.


And please use this listserve to share events/resources on health and transportation that may be of interest to your subcommittee peers. Simply send an email to



Eloisa Raynault


Upcoming Enterprise Green Communities Live Online Event: Best Practices Series:  Health Impact Assessments
Tuesday, June 28, 2011 from 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM (Eastern)
Register (to register, visit

Healthy communities provide tremendous benefits by promoting physical activity in placing homes near community amenities to create walkable neighborhoods, helping restore, invigorate and sustain livable development patterns. Health Impact Assessments are a practical tool that can provide a structured process to determine a policy or project’s impact on health, and ensure that policy and project dollars are used efficiently to provide the greatest benefits to residents. This session will feature a discussion of Health Impact Assessments, and a presentation by a city official who used the assessments for their transportation plan. It will also include a detailed overview of the Healthy Development Measurement Tool , a comprehensive evaluation metric to consider health needs in urban development plans and projects.

Presented By: