How does one express interest in helping with the scope and coordinating with other committees? Or is this it?


On Tue, Jan 28, 2020 at 12:31 PM Ed Christopher <> wrote:
Hi--I hope this finds you well. This January’s TRB Annual Meeting was an
exciting time for our subcommittee. A lot of activities are wrapping up,
moving forward or just beginning. On top of all the activity underway we
heard some exciting news. As part of the TRB Strategic realignment,, a new Group,
Transportation Sustainability and Resilience is being set up. Under the
Group are three sections; Society, Systems Resilience and
Sustainability. In the Society section are eight committees including
Health (AME70). Bill Anderson, TRB staff was at our subcommittee meeting
and talked with us about the process of setting up a committee and
getting things rolling. As the larger TRB realignment rolls out there is
a lot of activity happening as committees are being formed,
restructured, merged, retired, etc. For us we have a few things directly

1. Continue with our subcommittee activities maintaining our broad
connections within and throughout TRB and the community. Bill echoed
this noting the main purpose of committees in Group is to collaborate
across the organization. For us, this means that we should continue to
put the spotlight on different elements of health where it intersects
with other committees.

2. More immediately, we need to craft a scope and mission for the new
committee. Bill said it was due sometime in May. We have a good start
since we have been developing and evolving the subcommittee’s scope over
the last 10 years. It can be found on our website but here is the direct
The scope of the new committee of course will be developed in
coordination with the scopes of the other committees in the Social
section as they come together.

There was also a discussion about membership. First, the chair of the
new committee has not been appointed. Bill noted that TRB decides
committee chairs. Regarding membership, member selection is a
responsibility of the committee working with TRB staff. A committee can
have up to 36 members, eleven of which can be any combination of
international, young or state DOT representatives. The last membership
category discussed was that of a Friend. Friends work on committees hand
in hand with the members and there is no limit to number of friends. As
a subcommittee we were using our listserve as our friends list. To dive
deeper into the rules for committees the TRB Leadership guide is the
place to go.

That was about the extent of the discussion for the new committee. To
get things moving I will pull together a small group from our leadership
team to begin the review of the scope. For now, if you get a chance,
take a look at the subcommittee’s current scope listed above and feel
free to comment either directly to me or to the listserve.


Ed Christopher
Transportation Planning Consultant
TRBHealth mailing list --
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Kelly Rodgers
Executive Director, Streetsmart

Portland, OR

Please note I am working in Pacific Standard Time.