If you are attending the TRB Annual Meeting this January there are several Health and Transportation related sessions and meetings that may be of interest.  They can be found by searching the TRB Online interactive program at https://annualmeeting.mytrb.org/interactiveprogram. You can even browse the program without registering.


One major item to note is a workshop that the H+T Subcommittee will host on Sunday, January 10, 2016 from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM in the Washington DC Convention Center.  The workshop will focus on Institutionalizing Health in Transportation Agency Practice.


Since the Subcommittee’s inception 5 years ago, we have noticed an increased interest in the integration of public health in transportation and transportation agencies across the United States.  As awareness of the health impacts of transportation grows, transportation agencies are looking for ways to better understand the connections and tools needed to integrate health in transportation decisions.  We have seen much success.


Given substantial progress to date, the 2016 workshop will focus on how public health can be institutionalized in transportation agency practice.  Key topics addressed will include:

         workforce development and key skills,

         leadership buy in, and



The overall objective of the workshop is to help transportation professionals incorporate health into their agencies' work through four examples of how this has been done by other organizations around the country.  By the end of the day, attendees will be able to identify at least one strategy for institutionalizing health in their area of expertise, which has the potential to work in their state/local context.  In addition, attendees will be able to identify at least three new tools and resources for accomplishing this goal.


The workshop features transportation agencies and, where possible, their public health counterparts from around the country; as well as national organizations that are providing key resources for these initiatives.  Participants will share practices and lessons learned on how to jump start pilot or short-term grant funded initiatives that can be leveraged and grown into longer-term programs to integrate public health into transportation decisions.


The format will begin with state, regional and local case studies, followed by an introduction to some key national resources for jurisdictions that want to take their practice to the next level.  The workshop will conclude with a lightning round for information sharing and discussion.  Audience participation encouraged.


Consider putting this workshop on your TRB agenda
Ed Christopher