Somebody is pretty grumpy today.
Matthew A. Coogan
-----Original Message-----
From: mbrenman001 <>
To: TRB Health and Transportation <>
Sent: Sat, Jun 7, 2014 8:38 am
Subject: Re: [H+T--Friends] webinar on Health Impact Assessment (HIA) in Transportation Planning

Who is putting on this webinar?  It appears to be something called IBPI.  "The Initiative for Bicycle and Pedestrian Innovation is an exciting center for research and learning that is focused on bicycle and pedestrian travel. IBPI’s aim is to advance bicycling and walking as integral elements of the transportation system in Oregon’s communities."  Where's the neutrality and objectivity?    

In regard to this statement, "Health impact assessment (HIA) has emerged in the U.S. as a promising way to increase social and environmental justice by addressing health equity within transportation planning," much HIA work does not adequately address social equity and EJ issues.  For example, HIA's rarely address Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 or the environmental justice executive order.  They rarely contain legal concepts at all.  HIA's are usually conducted by public health people, who have no background in social equity or civil rights.  They often perform with an environmentalist bias (see "bicycle innovation" above), which often is in tension with the needs of low income communities and communities of color. 

As to this, "It also augments community and stakeholder engagement by providing a forum - usually through an advisory committee - where stakeholders can identify and deliberate about health interests related to the target plan.  While HIA advisory committees are diverse by design," much HIA work is conducted solely in English, and the limited English proficiency needs of various demographic groups are not addressed.  Another concern with "advisory committees" is that fact that they only provide "advice" which the "planning" entity is not obligated to pay any attention to.  A colleague who leads an immigration advocacy group told me a couple of years ago, "I no longer serve on advisory committees because they don't make policy or control anything."

Marc Brenman

From: "EloisaRaynaultHM" <>
Sent: Wednesday, June 4, 2014 10:15:40 AM
Subject: [H+T--Friends] New webinar on Health Impact Assessment (HIA) in        Transportation Planning

A Free webinar on Health Impact Assessment (HIA) in Transportation Planning: What to Expect From Planning and Public Health Stakeholders is planned for Wednesday, July 16, 2014 from 10:00 AM - 11:15 AM PST. Details are below.

Register online at

Health impact assessment (HIA) has emerged in the U.S. as a promising way to increase social and environmental justice by addressing health equity within transportation planning.  HIA seeks to augment the information base upon which public decisions are made.  It does so through a multi-disciplinary analysis of how the project or plan impacts various social determinants of health.  It also augments community and stakeholder engagement by providing a forum - usually through an advisory committee - where stakeholders can identify and deliberate about health interests related to the target plan.  While HIA advisory committees are diverse by design, those managing HIA processes are often surprised at the differences between and within both the planning and transportation fields.

This webinar reviews stakeholder engagement strategies common to HIA.  It compares and contrasts the values, expectations, and methodologies that various types of planning and public health professionals often bring to the table.  Finally, it identifies best practices for stakeholder engagement in HIA to maximize the collaborative nature of HIA.

Continuing Education Credits: This 60-minute webinar provides one hour of training which equals 1 CM or 1 PDH. IBPI applies to the AICP for Certification Maintenance credit for each webinar. We will provide an attendance certificate to those who document their professional development hours.

Configuration: The webinar will be administered through GoToWebinar. The room will be opened 30 minutes before the start of the webinar.

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