In 2007, the Transportation Research Board (TRB) Planning and Environment Group launched a new competition looking for fresh and creative methods for communicating technical transportation issues with “John and Jane Q. Public” to share with others within the profession. The theme for this year's call is "Communicating the Connection, Transportation and Public Health"  I have attached the flyer and information on the program can be found at  The link to the solicitation for this year is at

The winning entries, will be judged and selected by a panel of transportation and communication professionals.  They will be featured in both a podium and a poster session at the TRB 95th Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C. (January 8-12, 2017). Winning entries also will be featured in an edition of TRB’s Transportation Research News (TRNews).  For those of you not familiar with TRNews, last September the TRB Subcommittee on Health and Transportation developed a special issue devoted entirely to health and transportation.  It can be viewed in its entirety at
Ed Christopher
Transportation Planning Consultant