
In reviewing this RFP with strong interest, I noted that AARP would likely have the data readily available to contribute. Since there is no sub-contracting allowed, I want to make sure they have been included in your distribution.


Thank you,



Beverly Bowen | 919.801.3484 (mobile) | beverly.bowen@icf.com  


From: Alexandra King <king@ctaa.org>
Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2020 1:29 PM
To: Amy Conrick <conrick@ctaa.org>
Subject: [TRBHealth] Announcing Research Paper RFP: The Role of Transportation in Addressing Social Isolation in Older Adults


Good afternoon, 


I am reaching out on behalf of The Community Transportation Association of America (CTAA) to share the attached RFP. 


CTAA is soliciting proposals for a consultant to complete a research paper on the role of transportation in addressing social isolation in older adults through the following research question: How can public transportation be used as a preventive intervention tool to address the potentially harmful effects of social isolation? You can find further information and the full RFP here. All proposals will be due by 12:00 pm EST, February 17, 2020.


Please also share this announcement with any other individuals who you feel might be interested in this opportunity.





Alex King

Senior Program Associate, Health Care and Transportation

Tel: (202) 340-5284