Hello all!! I hope everyone is staying safe.

This is the tail-end of a longer post I want to contribute. The longer post gives a full backstory to what I’m posting right now.

It's about the end of American FactFinder and the use of the R-package tidycensus.

Here are various YouTube and Census Bureau webinar videos as a best introduction to tidycensus. I am highly recommending them to all census data analysts!!

Getting Started with R and R Studio by “How to R” (14:37, 9/1/2013)



Kyle Walker: Census Data in R: An Overview (3:54, 2/25/20)



Kyle Walker R Tutorial: Searching for data with tidycensus (3:10, 2/25/20)



Kyle Walker: Basic tidy census functionality (2:30, 2/25/20)



Dr. Kyle Walker is an Associate Professor of Geography at the Texas Christian University in Fort Worth, Texas.


Mary Jo Webster: Using TidyCensus in R, part 1 (26:50, 4/3/20)



Mary Jo Webster: Using TidyCensus in R, part 2 (18:37, 4/3/20)



Ms. Webster is a data journalist at the Star Tribune in Minneapolis, Minnesota.


Amanda Klimek: Using the Census Bureau Application Programming Interface (API) with the American Community Survey (ACS), June 26, 2019, US Census Bureau webinar



Amanda Klimek is a survey statistician with the American Community Survey Office


Here’s the home page for tidycensus:



I’m creating my own set of sample tidycensus r-scripts that I’m looking to share with the community. Let me know if this would help?


Stay safe!!

Chuck Purvis, Hayward, California

(formerly of the Metropolitan Transportation Commission, San Francisco, California)
