Go to the 2009 TIGER/Line shapefiles at and select Urban Area (Corrected Census 2000).  This set reflects the corrections that were made through November 2002.  The corrected 2000 boundaries are the areas that have been used to tabulate ACS data from 2005 through 2010, and will still be used for ACS 2011.  If you want the boundaries as reflected in Census 2000 data products, use Urban Area (Census 2000).
If you're looking for the actual TIGER/Line files that were released after Census 2000, you can find them at, but they are not in shapefile format (we didn't start releasing TIGER/Line in shapefile format until 2007).
Let me know if you have any questions.
Mike Ratcliffe

Michael R. Ratcliffe
Assistant Division Chief, Geocartographic Products and Criteria
Geography Division
U.S. Census Bureau
4600 Silver Hill Road/ MS-7400
Washington, DC 20233-7400
301-763-8977 wrote: -----
To: "" <>
From: "Dickson, Brian"
Sent by:
Date: 07/10/2012 11:09AM
Subject: [CTPP] 2000 Urbanized Area



Maybe someone out there can help me.  I am trying to find the 2000 Census Urbanized Area shapefiles so we can do a comparison of the 2000 vs. 2010 urbanized area boundaries.  I have been searching all over the Census website and they have had great success in hiding this data from view.  If anyone out there has the link to where you can download the 2000 urbanized area boundaries I would greatly appreciate it!


Brian Dickson

City of DeKalb / DSATS

223 S. 4th St., Suite A

DeKalb, IL 60506



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