These profiles include data from the 2006-2010 American Community Survey (ACS), the 2000 and 2010 Censuses, and the Census Transportation Planning Package (CTPP) 2000. The profiles are designed to give transportation
planners a handy way to examine trends by including two time points. The profiles are available for the U.S. total; all states; all counties; and places with population 5,000 or more, based on 2010 Census counts.
Each transportation profile has the following tables: Table 1 Selected Characteristics; Total Persons, Persons in Households, Total Households, Average Household Size, Average Household Income, Average Number of
Vehicles per Households, Percent of Persons in Poverty, Percent Minority, Percent of Persons 65 and Over, Percent of Persons Foreign Born. Table 2 Mode to Work; Total Workers at Place of Residence, Mode to Work at Place of Residence and at Place of Work and
Table 3 Mean Travel Time by Mode to Work.
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