CTPPers, have any of you done flow analyses at tract level? With each CTPP release, we conduct that for small planning areas. For this, we need tract-tract flows with numbers from A302100 table. In identifying commuter flows to downtown urban core of the region (Charleston MSA, South Carolina), we found very large MOEs for each tract-tract pair. Of a total of 940 tract-tract pairs identified to have flows to the study area, 622 have MOEs larger than estimates!
I am checking to see if anyone else experienced the same issue, and how this is being handled. I was thinking of using some sort of filters, e.g. considering only the pairs that have estimates larger than MOEs. Any suggestions will be appreciated. TIA.
Harun Rashid, AICP
Senior GIS Planner
BCD Council of Governments
1362 McMillan Avenue, Suite 100
North Charleston, SC 29405
T: 843.529.0400
F: 843.529.0305