Hello and happy new year CTPP!


It’s the email you’ve all been waiting for! The CTPP 2012 to 2016 dataset was released in 2019 and you all have been working with it since.  We are specifying the next special tabulation of census data. It will be based on the 2017 to 2021 ACS and now is your chance to tell us what you need.  As you know, the 2012 to 2016 data was very pared down from the previous tab, we now have the opportunity to review if we lost critical tables and want to add them back, or if your analytical needs have changed to the point where you need new cross tabs to complete your varied mandates.


If you would like to suggest a table be added back or created anew, please

·        reply to me directly pweinberger@aashto.org or jzang@camsys.com with your feedback, or

·        reply directly to the list to stimulate discussion, or

·         if you prefer anonymity, you can answer your questions here: https://tinyurl.com/CTPPFeedback


To download a current list of tables go to https://ctpp.transportation.org/2012-2016-5-year-ctpp/

And click: The specific data tabulations and available geographies can be found HERE.


Penelope Weinberger

CTPP Program Manager

