The Census Bureau just updated their PUMA webpage with LOTS of information, including a link to the State Data Centers.   The current plan is that the SDCs will get the PUMA software from the CB (via ftp download) in September, and will have until “early January” to return the files to the Census Bureau Geography Division.  The SDCs are encouraged to work with local agencies.  They are not required to do so.


We hope that State DOTs and MPOs will take the initiative to talk to their SDCs to work on PUMA delineation.


As you know PUMAs are now a tabulation geography, particularly important for ACS tabulation. 


The software is a new module of the MTPS software, so for those of you who just completed TAZ delineation, you will already be familiar with it.


By the way, the Census Bureau has received all the files from TAZ participants, and Caliper is completing TAD delineation for some of the areas that delineated TAZs but NOT TADS.    TADs will be a nationwide (complete) coverage at the 20,000 population level (with a very very few exceptions). At this point in time, TADs are a “custom geography” for the CTPP program, and not used for standard ACS products. 

