While you are still waiting for the CTPP full data release with the access software (scheduled on December, 2010), don't forget FHWA prepared and released the county-to-county and place-to-place flow tables prior to full data's formal release.  The flow tables are for Total Workers and for 18 categories of Workers by Means of Transportation. County level data also included CTPP 2000 data but categorized only by 8 transportation modes.  We have NOT included the CTPP2000 for Place-to-Place data files because of difficulties in matching FIPS codes for Places between 2000 and the current CTPP.  These two files are published in CS FTP sites:  ftp://ftp.camsys.com/temp/outgoing/CTPP/New%20CTPP%20ACS/



Also, transportation profiles using ACS 2005-2007 and CTPP2000, which give people a quick transportation snapshot of their areas are also published at AASHTO CTPP website.  http://download.ctpp.transportation.org/profiles_2005-2007/ctpp_profiles.html



Liang Long

Federal Highway Administration

Room 74-440

1200 New Jersey, SE

Washington, DC 20590

tel 202 366 6971

fax 202 493 2198

e-mail liang.long@dot.gov