B08301 includes: Drove Alone, Carpool 2, Carpool 3, and Carpool 4+
I would use ACS PUMS for your region to estimate a better value for “4+” (I use IPUMS at Univ of MN http://usa.ipums.org/usa/sda/ ). Maybe it should be “4.2” or if you have a lot of vanpools, you might need to increase it to a larger value.
Of course, if don’t have to rely on 2009 1-year ACS, you can use the 2006-2008 CTPP. http://ctpp.transportation.org/Pages/3yrdas.aspx
There are several tables:
12106 is a univariate table of means of transportation to work. It includes:
Drove alone, CP2, CP3, CP4, CP 5-6, CP7+
12109 is “workers per car, truck or van”
12235 is “workers per carpool by time leaving home” (only carpoolers included)
If you need help pulling data from CTPP, you can contact Penelope Weinberger at AASHTO pweinberger@aashto.org; or Liang Long (CTPP Tech Support) liang.long@dot.gov
From: ctpp-news-bounces@chrispy.net [mailto:ctpp-news-bounces@chrispy.net] On Behalf Of Jim Hubbell
Sent: Friday, May 20, 2011 1:35 PM
To: ctpp-news@chrispy.net
Subject: [CTPP] private vehicle occupancy data from ACS
I’m trying to track down an estimate of private vehicle occupancy from the 2009 ACS 1-year estimates, and am having some difficulty finding the table that includes this calculation. Can anyone provide me with the ACS table number? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Jim Hubbell
Transportation Planner II
Mid-America Regional Council
600 Broadway, Suite 200
Kansas City, MO 64105-1659
816.701.8319 voice
816.421.7758 fax