I had the very same problem. ESRI has a site to get that data and more. If you go to this link:


you should get the data you seek.

Vincent Post, III
Transportation/GIS Specialist
Wood-Washington-Wirt Interstate Planning Commission
P.O. Box 247
531 Market Street
Parkersburg, WV 26101
Phone: (304) 422-4993, ext. 106
Fax: (304) 422-4998
E-mail: vince.post@movrc.org


 Martha Kile wrote:

Has anyone had problems using the shape files or E00 files for TAZ boundaries available on the Census website? We have noticed that some of our TAZ boundaries look strange, as if there is a problem with collapsing polygons. Do I need to create the TAZ boundaries myself from the TIGER files? Any guidance on this would be greatly appreciated.


Martha Kile
Principal GIS Analyst
Metropolitan Washington
Council of Governments
Suite 300
777 North Capitol St. NE
Washington, DC 20002
voice: 202.962.3294
fax: 202.962.3202

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