Looks like such 05-09 ACS tabulations for income will be available for tracts (nothing below) in the Spring of 2012, see slides #14 & #15:
Guy Rousseau
Surveys & Transportation Model Development Manager
Atlanta Regional Commission
40 Courtland Street, NE
Atlanta, GA 30303
404-463-3274 (work)
678-986-4344 (cell)
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From: ctpp-news-bounces@chrispy.net [mailto:ctpp-news-bounces@chrispy.net] On Behalf Of Marie Bousfield
Sent: Thursday, October 20, 2011 8:57 PM
To: ctpp-news@chrispy.net
Subject: [CTPP] lowmod data
Does anyone know if HUD has calculated the lowmod (low and moderate income) data by census tract and block group based on the 2005-2009 ACS data. These data were used for CDBG (community development block grants) and for some city programs.
Thank you.
Marie Bousfield