Appropos of this entire discussion: it sounds to me like these problems, if they are problems, are the consequence of the  2000-09 effort to realign TIGER. That was the major MAF-TIGER upgrade effort of the decade. Presumably the new lines are (a) more accurate, and (b) won't change again.

Patty Becker

At 10:29 AM 12/7/2011, you wrote:
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We’re most interested in TAZ zone-level, or place-level stats.  (I can’t imagine needing Block-level change statistics.)
So, we recast all the year 2000 Block polygons as centroid points and use “spatial join” to attach a consistent-over-time TAZ code and place code (most recent jurisdictional boundaries).  Then simply roll up Blocks into TAZ totals, place totals, etc. 
There are Blocks that straddle TAZ and place boundaries – just have to live with that.
(I do repeat the step above 2 or 3 times as a quality control: I identify Block centroids using different centroid location options (thus moving the points around) and test to see whether that yields multiple membership in multiple TAZs or places.  Then I go to aerial photography and manually recode TAZ and place membership based on “rooftops assessment”: which side of the boundary line has the majority of structures, or else the majority of land acreage.  This is an issue only in ½ %  of Blocks.)
Todd Graham  |  Principal Forecaster
Metropolitan Council  | 390 North Robert Street  |  Saint Paul, MN  55101
tel: 1+651-602-1322  |  fax: 1+651-602-1674  |  e: 

Patricia C. (Patty) Becker         248/354-6520
APB Associates/SEMCC       FAX 248/354-6645
28300 Franklin Road                   Home 248/355-2428
Southfield, MI  48034