Hi, All

We have developed the census tract to census tract flows from the new CTPP 2006-2010.  The file includes all tract pairs which present flows from the CTPP 2006-2010 including Puerto Rico.  This file only include one measure:  total worker counts and its associated margins of error.  FIPS codes are also provided for residence and workplace State, County and Census Tract.
Tutorial which provides a guide on how to query the database is also available.

The file can be accessed from:  


Username: 8305CTPP
Password: 1900NJA

Please note that user name and password are case sensitive.  

Please let me know if you have any issues accessing the file.


Liang Long
Cambridge Systematics, Inc.
4800 Hampden Lane
Suite 800
Bethesda, MD 20814
tel  301 347 0100
fax 301 347 0101
FHWA 202-366-6971
e-mail  llong@camsys.com