Sorry! I hit the “send”
button instead of “save.” I guess I am having a BAD DAY
with email and the CTPP listserv.
The IPUMS site provides an on-line table generator
using the 2005 ACS public use microdata sample, that also allows for other
statistical tests such as correlation, multiple regression, logit/probit
regression. It provides a way to create new variables. And it is
FREE! So, if the Census Bureau is not including the table YOU want in
their standard set, you can create your own table with this tool.
For example, in CTPP, we have a variable
called “Means of Transportation to Work.” However, in the
microdata, this is two questions:
How did this person usually get to work
LAST WEEK? List of methods.
How many people, including this person,
usually rode to work in the car, truck or van, LAST WEEK? __ persons
To separate “drive alone” from
“carpool” you will need to use both variables: TRANWORK and
The Public Use Microdata Sample is a
SAMPLE of the ACS sample records, so this is going to be useful mostly for
large geographic units, or national analysis.
So, going back to my earlier email about “year
of entry”, I could use the IPUMS to analyze the Census 2000 and the 2005 ACS
data, and use the values to create a new variable.
Hope this is of interest to at least some
of you! Have a GREAT WEEKEND!