If you are coming to the Planning Applications conference, you’ll want to stay to the very end…


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[TMIP] TRB Transportation Planning Applications Conference - Stay Until the End or You'll Miss Out!


Tue, 30 Apr 2019 07:47:19 -0400




TMIP <tmip@mg.tmip.org>


 As you plan your travel to TRBAppcon, be sure to stay until the very end of the Conference!  We have great sessions and workshops planned for the final day, ending with a hands on workshop bringing together CTPP and R that you WON'T want to miss!  Here's a description of what's in store: 

CTPP data and R-based survey analysis

This workshop is in two parts, first a dive into the Census Transportation Planning Products Program and its rich demographic data set.  Pitfalls and caveats of census and census based data, along with a healthy dose of generally good data practices. Then we will look at an exciting way to access the data into R, the opportunities available in a new way to mash CTPP and the National Household Travel Survey (NHTS) along with other regional Household Travel Surveys, including the ability to make customized crosswalk requests from the CTPP and have them publicly available. You will leave this workshop with the R tools to repeat the demonstrated analysis, and directions for incorporating other local regional travel survey datasets.  Intrigued?  You should be!


Record numbers of planners, engineers and data scientists have again registered to join their colleagues at the upcoming 17th TRB Transportation Planning Applications Conference (TRBAppcon) in Portland, June 2-5th.   The Program-at-a-Glance can be found here and I encourage you to take a look and start to plan you visit.  If you've not yet registered, you can do that here - but don't wait too long as the rates go up again on May 1st!  And by all means STAY UNTIL THE END OF THE CONFERENCE!!

Full post: https://tmip.org/content/trb-transportation-planning-applications-conference-stay-until-end-or-youll-miss-out
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