This would be a good question to post at the ACS Data Users Group:
Cliff Cook
From: ctpp-news []
On Behalf Of Charles Baber
Sent: Monday, October 30, 2017 4:15 PM
Subject: [CTPP] Data Suppression Question
Wondering how data suppression works…or maybe I am doing something wrong.
Using Factfinder to extract table B25056 – contract rent 1 – year estimates at the jurisdiction level. (all jurisdictions have a population greater than 65,000.) For 2007,
all six jurisdictions in the Baltimore region have estimates for table B25056. In 2016, I can only get data for five jurisdictions (Howard County, MD is missing). The last year with all six jurisdiction for table B25056 1 - year estimate is 2013.
Howard County has data for 2007 and 2016 for Table B25070 Gross rent as a percentage of household income 1-year estimate. In 2007 the estimated total number of households is
23,337 and in 2016 the estimated total is 30,604.
Trying to understand why table B25056 – contract rent 1-year estimate is not available for Howard County after 2013?
Charles M. Baber
Principal Transportation Planner
Baltimore Metropolitan Council
Offices @ McHenry Row
1500 Whetstone Way, Suite 300
Baltimore MD 21230
410-732-0500 Ext. 1056
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