My apologies to the Census Bureau Geography Division:

The list below includes slightly different months from the post I sent out last week.  I am sure that the CTPP community is used to changes in schedules, so this is the CURRENT schedule, but revisions may occur!


November 2010:  agencies verify contact names by reviewing file at Cambridge Systematics ftp site, and report any changes to Liang Long.

January 2011 :   final delivery of software by Caliper to CB

February 2011:  web-based training coordinated with FHWA

March - early April 2011 :   delivery of software and Census 2010 data and

geographic files on a rolling basis.

Each state will get 3  months  to delineate their TAZ and TADs and return the files to the Census Bureau.

June - early July 2011:   all files MUST be returned to CB Geography

Division 3 months after the receipt of the TAZ/TAD delineation software and data



Bottom line:  March through June of 2011 are the CRITICAL months for you (MPOs and State DOTs) to delineate TAZ and TADs using the software provided by the Census Bureau Geography Division.


Agencies are NOT required to delineate TAZs or TADs.  The default geography for small area tabulation for the CTPP using 2006-2010 ACS records will be census tracts.   Even if you do not plan to delineate TAZs, you may want to define TAD  by combining 5 or 6 census tracts. 


Again, the TAZ business rules are posted at the

FHWA webpage:


Elaine Murakami

206-220-4460 (in Seattle)