Sorry, I should have said MOE instead of MPO. Here is a more detailed version of how to calculate MOEs for this derived estimates:
Let's assume there are 3 municipalities
Derived estimate = County total - muni1 - muni2 - muni3
MOE(Derived estimate)=Square root ((County total MOE)**2+(muni1 MOE)**2+(muni2 MOE)**2+(muni3 MOE)**2))
Basically, the appropriate MOE is approximately the square root of the sum of the individual MOEs squared;
Hi, Louis
To calculate the MPO for aggregated count data, you just take the square root of sum of the squared MOEs for each component estimate.
Liang Long
Federal Highway Administration
Room 74-440
1200 New Jersey, SE
Washington, DC 20590
tel 202 366 6971
fax 202 493 2198
From: on behalf of Louis Pino
Sent: Thu 2/3/2011 3:38 PM
To: ''
Subject: [CTPP] "Backing out" MOE
I am working with the five year ACS data, and we are trying to create profiles for the unincorporated portions of the county.
My question(s) is: If I sum up the estimates for all the municipalities in their respective county can I simply take the difference from the county total and call it the unincorporated part? If so, how do you obtain the MOE for this number? Can you “back out” the MOE from the adjusted (square root of the sum)muni MOEs and the county MOE? Or do I have to aggregate block group data for these areas?
Thanks in advance for your help!
Louis Pino| Socioeconomic Analyst | Customer Resource and Support
Direct 303.480.6000 | Fax 303.480.6790
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