
Census Deputy Director Will Present at APDU Conference on September 16-17
Nancy Potok, Deputy Director of the U.S. Census Bureau, will share the newly released Health Insurance Survey results and report on implementation
of Census' strategic plan.
APDU Releases Full Agenda and Speaker List for September 16-17 Conference
More than 50 speakers and panelists will join "The Data Revolution," APDU's annual conference in Arlington, VA. The agenda with speakers can
be found
here. Highlighted speakers include Mark Doms, Undersecretary for Economic Affairs at the U.S. Commerce Department; Julia Lane, author and research fellow at the American Institutes of Research; as well as Nancy Potok, Deputy Director of the Census Bureau.
Learn More about Visualizing Data, the Latest Webtools, and Creatively Using Administrative Data
Breakout sessions at the conference will explore strategies for communicating complex research and data -- whether your field is demographics,
economics, health care, or transportation -- the principles and tools are quite compatible. Other breakout sessions will focus on key issues in managing large datasets or innovative tools for creative innovative new products that link very different types
of datasets.
Thank You to Our Sponsors and Exhibitors!!
